Five questions to ask yourself before handing down precious possessionsIf you find it difficult to let go of things like this then consider the following: Do these represent a time in my life that has now passed? Were these very important to me at a previous stage in my life? Has that time now passed? Have these items served their purpose? Are these items keeping me in the past and preventing me from moving forwards? If the answer to any of these is yes, then it's time to let go. It's time to be grateful for the enjoyment that the items brought into your life, to say goodbye to them and to say hello to a new era. After all, holding onto things from the past makes it very difficult to move forwards. But what is the alternativeNobody likes to see waste and certainly not when it comes to saying goodbye to once cherished possessions, but do think carefully about how you pass them on. If you are thinking of giving these on to a friend or family member then first make sure that they actually want your old items, after all it is your clutter and you have no rights to impose it on them. Make it ok for them to say no to the offer without feeling embarrassed or obliged. If the answer is no, be gracious, then it's time to face facts that this is going to be a permanent goodbye. Try to think of who would really get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Far better for your old stamp collection or train set that it goes onto to a second life where it can be truly appreciated (or it really is a dreadful waste of a much loved item). If you want to donate it then consider a favourite charity, who could use it to raise funds, or you might even be able to make some money selling via auction or a sales room.
But what if you are on the receiving end of such an offer that you don't wish to accept? Please be assured that it is totally ok to just say no. My advice it to be polite, say thank you for being considered, point out that although the offer is very kind, that the item or items will go to waste in your home (which would be a terrible shame) and that the unwanted items might have a better lease of life going to someone who appreciates them. Feel free to offer suggestions of who might want it but in no way feel that this is your problem to solve. Remember that you are in charge of your home and possessions and holding onto something just because someone else expects you to can lead to clutter and resentment. Good luck and let me know how you get on.
23/11/2020 12:19:52 pm
Gifts make a special place in the heart of others. So spread happiness and memories and exchange gifts with each other. So that you may win in this regard. I appreciate that they are promoting this concept of exchanging gifts with each other.
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AuthorHelen Cousins Archives
November 2017