Are your kitchen cupboard overflowing, yet you struggle to throw a meal together from store cupboard staples? Maybe you can't see the wood for the trees - or the cumin for the coriander?
A good purge will help clear the decks and bring some clarity. Here are some ideas for quick wins in the pantry. Anything out of date It's pretty obvious but you may be surprised how many packets of herbs, spices and baking ingredients are lurking in the cupboards with a best before date that has long passed. Be ruthless, if it's passed it's best, it's probably lacking in flavour. Anything damaged Include anything without labels as you won't know the use by date. Anything incased in rusty tins or damaged packaging are likely to be spoiled. Enough said. Anything you don't use We've all been lured into buying ingredients for a particular recipe, cooked the meal then never touched them again. If you're not planning to use the Japanese rice wine vinegar, dried barberries or tahini again in the near future, you can probably live with out them. Anything not opened that you just don't seem to eat That chutney Auntie Muriel got you last Christmas, the jar or wild boar pate you've been meaning to use up but just don't fancy it, or the box of chocolates you got for your birthday but you're thinking of giving up sugar. You don't have to eat these and you don't have the waste them either. Most supermarkets have a collection point for food banks and as long as it's in date, in good condition and not opened you can donate it. Give it s go, you could be surprised how much space you get back.
14/4/2018 07:51:28 am
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23/6/2021 09:44:30 am
Fresh space has a blog about purge your pantry. They have all the staples in the kitchen cupboard. It is full of all colorful staples. You can get to know the ingredients for baking your food with staples. Join in for more.
7/11/2021 06:20:37 am
Le pire dans notre société moderne obsédée par la nourriture est le bombardement constant de malbouffe transformée, remplie de sucre, tous les jours. Nous n'avons pas besoin de cela. On ne nous dit pas quoi manger. On ne nous dit pas quoi prendre. On ne nous dit pas quoi faire. La seule règle qui devrait s'appliquer est que vous devez manger des aliments qui nourrissent votre corps, qui vous aideront à atteindre vos objectifs et qui finiront par vous rassasier. Pour cela, purgez votre garde-manger ! Et si vous n'êtes pas encore prêt à le faire, ne vous inquiétez pas.
25/6/2022 01:47:30 pm
Recently, I cleaned out my pantry and made a purge. While you don't need to go through all your stuff every time, it's good to get rid of anything that's been in your pantry for a while. Make sure to take photos so that you can look back on the fruits of your labor.
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AuthorHelen Cousins Archives
November 2017